Adding Scripts to the GUI

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Scripts that define a new command for the IDE may add that command to the user interface in various ways. This is done by setting the contexts attribute on the function that implements the command.

The following example adds the script-provided command test-script to a new menu Scripts and the editor's right-click context menu:

test_script.contexts = [

These contexts are available for script-provided commands:

kContextNewMenu(title, group=0) adds an item to a menu in the menu bar. If multiple scripts use the same context, they are all added to the same menu. The required argument title specifies the title to use for the menu, and the optional argument group is a number that allows separating items in the menu into groups. Groups are created as needed and items are listed in alphabetical order within them.

kContextEditor() adds an item to the end of the editor's right-click context menu.

kContextProject() adds an item to the end of the project's right-click context menu.

kContextCommonMenu adds an item to the end of the common actions item in the top right of Wing's window.

Regardless of whether script-provided command is added to any GUI context, it will always be listed under both short and fully qualified name in the auto-completer for Command by Name in the Edit menu, and in the User Interface > Keyboard > Custom Key Bindings preference.