Tutorial: Turbo Completion Mode

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Auto-completion normally requires pressing a completion key, as configured in the Editor > Auto-completion > Completion Keys preference, before a completion is entered into the editor.

Wing also provides a Python Turbo Mode for auto-completion where where completion occurs on any key that cannot be part of a symbol. It takes some effort to learn to use this feature, but it can greatly reduce typing once you get used to it.

Try it now by enabling the Editor > Auto-completion > Python Turbo Mode preference. Then go to the bottom of example1.py and press the following keys in order: R e ( G e t (. You will see the following code in the editor produced by these seven key strokes:


Depending on your Python version you may not need as many keystrokes before GetItemCount is selected in the completer. As soon as it is, the final ( may be pressed.

Turbo completion mode distinguishes between contexts where a new symbol may be defined and those where an existing symbol must be used. For example, try typing the following keystrokes on a new line: c, =. Wing knows that the = indicates you may be defining a new symbol so it does not place the current selection from the auto-completer. If you did want completion to occur in a defining context, you would still have to press Tab or another completion key.

In a context where you are trying to type something other than what is in the completer, pressing Ctrl, Alt or Command briefly by itself will hide the auto-completer and thus disable turbo-completion until you type more symbol characters and the completer is shown again.